*** SCARA - POB 121 - Linwood, NJ 08221 ***
Club Repeaters
VHF: 146.745 MHz -.600 MHz offset - PL 146.2 Hz
UHF: 448.775 MHz -5.000 MHz offset - PL 146.2 Hz
Location: Tony Canale Training Center in Egg Harbor Township, NJ
View our Repeater Information page to learn more about our repeaters.
The SCARA Breakfast net is held every Saturday morning on the K2BR VHF/UHF linked repeaters at 9:00 AM. There will usually be a topic of discussion. It is a great way to stay in touch with local amateurs. Please check in if you are available. SCARA runs the following nets every Monday night starting at 7 PM, on our VHF and UHF repeaters. The frequencies are 146.745 MHz (-) PL 146.2 Hz.
and 448.775 MHz (-)PL146.2 Hz Membership in SCARA is not required to participate in these nets.
7:00 PM: AUXCOM/SkyWarn (Amateur Radio Emergency Service and Weather practice combined net.)
The K.I.S.S.(Keep it Simple and Swap net) follows this net.
It is a formal net with the intent of helping hams with problems they are having, sharing information, and
listing "For Sale " items. We will usually have a radio trivia question and perhaps a topic of discussion.
ARRL Audio News
Listen in every weekend on Saturday morning at 8:40 AM for the ARRL Audio News. The broadcast can be heard on our club VHF repeater K2BR on 146.745MHz. Following the transmission, the saturday morning version of the breakfast net will begin at 9:00 AM.
View our Repeater Programs page to learn more about our nets and programs on the repeater.
SCARA runs an HF Net on the third Sunday of every month at 10:00 A.M. Eastern time on 3.928 MHz + or - QRM. Our first net was held on March 17, 2002. Over the years, we have logged many contacts on the net. All licensed amateurs with operating privileges on the net frequency are welcome to join us. The club call sign is used by the net control station and QSL cards from K2BR are available. Upon reaching 10 check-ins on the HF Net, a certificate of participation will be issued. Click here for a list of award recipients. We are looking for volunteers to be net control operators. Contact Larry, KB2MN, if you would like to be NCS for one month or more.
Club Officers for 2025
President- Thomas Grentz Jr. KD2UVR
Vice Pres.- Andrius Stanionis KE2AXD
Treasurer- Bob Webb WA2YSA
Secretary- Karen Oostdyk KE2BQM
Board of Directors for 2025
Art Masker K2AUX
Marie Masker KD2BAQ
Alex Calabrese WA2ADS
Service Positions for 2025
Newsletter Editor: (Open)
Internet Website: Larry KB2MN
VE Liaison: Larry Schall KB2MN
Club Trustee (K2BR): Bill Schwoer KC2AAY
Sunshine: Bob Webb WA2YSA
Field Day: TBD
Refreshments: TBD
Repeater: Bill KC2AAY, Jason KD2QED, Bill Paulus N2BDP
Youth Committee: (open)
Out Going QSL Cards Mgr: Vince Alvino W2KU
FaceBook: Bill Paulus N2BDP, Vince Alvino W2KU
SCARA is active in various events throughout the year. Helping as a public service with communications at various events has been a strong point for our club. We have worked some of these events in conjunction with other radio clubs.
Field day is a big event for us. Over the years, it has provided the opportunity for experienced members ("Elmers") to pass on knowledge and operating expertise to those new in the hobby. Horizons have been opened as new modes and methods are explored. The old and the new blend together. Whatever your interests are, or your experience level is, there is a place for you at Field Day. Give it a try next year. All are welcome.
Our club has been active during the National and International Amateur Radio Lighthouse-Lightship Weekends in August. Using our club call-sign (K2BR), we have operated from the Absecon Lighthouse in Atlantic City, New Jersey, putting it "on the air" for the first time in 40 years! Click here for more information about ARLHS (Amateur Radio Lighthouse Society).
To sum things up, Public Service and promoting Amateur Radio is what our club has been doing for a long time. Along the way, many fond memories have been created. Hopefully, some of these memories will be revisited on the pages of this website.