SEPTEMBER 12, 2013

























































1.      The name of this organization shall be known as the Southern Counties Amateur Radio Association of New Jersey, Incorporated.


2.      The purpose and objectives of this organization are as follows:


A. To promote and maintain a bond of fellowship among radio amateurs, newcomers to amateur radio and potential radio amateurs in the Southern Counties of New Jersey.


B. To promote the development of individual skills among members and future members.


C. To serve at the discretion of the club in the public interest, convenience or necessity, as the need or emergency arises through the transmission of non-commercial radio messages. These services are to be provided without charge.


D. To further the technical development of the art of amateur radio.


E. To further the development and continuance of good public relations.


F. To foster and maintain a high standard of conduct and ethics in the observance of all pertinent rules, regulations and accepted practices among the members in the operation of the club radio station and of each member's individual radio station.







1.        Government of the club shall be vested in a Board of Directors, also known as The Board or Board Members. The Board shall consist of all duly elected officers, the immediate past-president, and three (3) minimum to five (5) maximum members at large, duly elected by the voting membership at the annual general election. All shall serve without remuneration for a period of one year or portion thereof. 


2.        The elected officers of the club shall be a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer.


3.        A Trustee shall be appointed by the Board of Directors to maintain and file all required incorporation documents with the State of New Jersey. This Trustee is authorized to make all necessary monetary payments to the State. The Trustee shall maintain all necessary official State documents. This Trustee shall serve at the discretion of the Board of Directors.


4.        The Board of Directors, at its discretion, may bestow Honorary Office upon those full members who have contributed in an exceptional manner to the well-being of the club.
















1.         This club expresses its sympathy with and allegiance to the aims and policies of the American Radio Relay League, Inc., agrees to abide by all regulations of said League pertaining to affiliated societies, so long as an actual affiliation with said League shall be in effect.







1.        The Board of Directors shall hold regular meetings at least six (6) times each year on a date approximately two weeks before the general meeting, unless otherwise specified by the President. A quorum shall consist of greater than 50% of the board members.


2.        The Board of Directors shall devise by-laws, which may in no way conflict with this Constitution or any amendments thereto. The by-laws shall specify the duties of the officers and committees and shall otherwise implement the Constitution in detail.


3.         The Board of Directors shall formulate club policy and transact all club business. Appointments of committee chairpersons and committee persons by the President shall be subject to the approval of the Board, as shall all actions taken by the club's officers and committees. The Board shall be kept informed on the progress of club affairs through regular reports from the officers and committee chairpersons.


4.         The Board of Directors shall be authorized to fill vacancies in the elected offices. It also shall be empowered, by means of a three-fourths majority of the Board members present and voting, to remove any Officer from office for cause.


5.         The Board of Directors shall take such action and make such rules not inconsistent with the Constitution and/or by-laws as it may deem necessary to promote and carry out the objectives of the club and/or to protect its welfare.


6.         Decisions of the Board of Directors shall require a majority of those present and voting except where otherwise specified in this Constitution, the by-laws of the club, and/or Robert's Rules of Order. Each Director present shall have equal voice except that the presiding officer may vote only in the event of a tie.








Elections shall be held annually during the regular December meeting of the general club membership.












1.         Any full member in good standing may introduce an amendment to this Constitution by submitting a written proposal to the Board of Directors.


2.         Proposed amendments shall be properly prepared in a manner conforming to accepted parliamentary requirements. Proposals not so prepared may be returned to the maker for corrections. If in order, or after correction, the Board of Directors will vote upon the proposal and, if approved, will then refer the proposal to the general membership for vote. Should two-thirds of the membership in attendance and voting cast their ballots in favor of the amendment, it shall become a part of this Constitution.





1.        "Robert's Rules of Order, Revised" shall govern all parliamentary questions not specifically set forth in the Constitution and/or by-laws of the club.




Amended March 9, 2017




Ratified by membership:

March 9, 2017






JULY 26, 2018













































1.      Membership shall be limited to licensed amateurs, prospective amateurs and those having a genuine interest in amateur radio.



2.      Membership shall be divided into two classes, namely: voting and non-voting members.


3.      Only those members having a current, valid amateur license of any class shall be eligible to vote and/or hold office and shall hereafter be referred to as full members.


4.      Non-licensed members shall be classified as associate members. These associate members shall automatically become full members upon receipt of a valid FCC amateur radio license of any class.


5.      Associate membership shall carry all rights and privileges of full members, except as noted in paragraph 3 above.


6.      Honorary membership may be bestowed by the Board of Directors at its discretion. Honorary members may neither vote nor hold office.


7.      Membership fees shall fall due on the second day of January of each year. Dues for first time members joining after March 31 shall be prorated quarterly based on the full year dues schedule.  Lapsed members must pay the full year dues.  Members under age 16 shall be assessed dues at one half the full year dues schedule. Membership cards shall be issued by the Treasurer.  Members in arrears after April 1st shall be removed from the rolls of the club, shall be dropped from the SCARA newsletter mailing lists, and may not participate in official club activities.



8.      Membership in the club shall be subject to adherence to its constitution, by-laws and such regulations as may be promulgated by the Board of Directors.


9.      The Board of Directors shall be empowered to remove from the membership rolls the name of any member who has, in the opinion of the Board of Directors, acted in a manner contrary to the best interests of the club and/or amateur radio. Action taken under this section shall require a three-fourths majority of the Board of Directors present and voting.


10.   One year free membership, including the SCARA newsletter by E-mail, will be given to all first-time licensed amateur radio operators who apply.



11. Prospective members shall submit a properly completed SCARA membership application.  The membership shall         be informed of the application at the next regular meeting.  Membership that feel the applicant may violate        paragraph 9 will be directed to contact a member of the Board of Directors with their concerns.  The Board of            Directors will act on the application at the next meeting of the Board of Directors and notify the applicant of the       disposition.





1.      The President shall preside at meetings of the club and the Board of Directors; refer business to the proper committees and shall be, ex-officio, a member of all committees.


2.   The Vice-President shall preside in the absence of the President.


3.       The Treasurer shall collect and deposit all funds of the club in a depository selected by the Board of Directors; and he shall make all disbursements over twenty five dollars by check. All disbursements over $150.00 shall be subject to the approval of the Board of Directors and the majority vote of the full members in regular meeting. Disbursements under $150.00 may be verbally approved by at least one officer.  The Treasurer shall keep regular accounts of all receipts and disbursements in the books of the club, which shall be open at all times for inspection by the Board of Directors. He shall make monthly reports to the Board of Directors and the membership of the club on the state of the club's finances at the regular monthly meetings. The Treasurer shall keep the membership files of the club; those to contain pertinent data as to membership and the due dates of membership fees for all members.



4.      The Board of Directors shall name one of its number  who shall have the authority to act for the Treasurer in the event of his absence or inability to perform his regular duties.


5.      The Secretary shall keep a record of the proceedings of all meetings of the club and Board of Directors and of all other matters of which a record shall be ordered.


6.      The Secretary shall carry on that portion of the club's correspondence which shall be delegated to his jurisdiction by the President and/or the Board of Directors.


7.      All officers shall perform such other duties as may be delegated to them by the Constitution and/or the Board of Directors.


8.    All shall serve without remuneration.


9.      To avoid the possibility of ill-considered action, matters of more than ordinary moment shall be read but not acted upon when first presented. They shall then be laid on the table until the next following meeting of the Board of Directors when they shall be taken up under "Old Business." This procedure shall be followed on proposals to amend the constitution, proposals to amend the by-laws, motions to impeach an officer, motions to expel a member, and/or any other motion or proposal which the Board of Directors may consider to be of extraordinary nature.


10.   Any officer of the club missing more than three (3) meetings in succession without valid reason may be relieved of his office and the vacancy filled by appointment by the Board of Directors.





1.      Elections shall be held each year at the December regular meeting of the club.  The Board will be elected by secret ballot of the full members in attendance and voting.  A voting member shall be any full member whose membership has been continuous, beginning on the date of the September meeting of the current year, until the election.  A lapsed member must satisfy this requirement.


2.      All Board Members shall be elected by a plurality.


3.      The President shall appoint a nominating committee in October of each year for the purpose of obtaining a slate of candidates to be presented at the December meeting.  The committee shall consist of a chairman and at least one member, all of whom have been members in good standing for not less than one (1) year. The nominating committee shall not nominate any person who is a member of the committee or who is related to or lives with a member of the nominating committee.  Nominations may be heard from the voting members present.


4.      To be eligible for nomination as a Board Member, the candidate must have been a member in good standing for not less than one (1) year immediately prior to the election.






1.       The following committee chairpersons will be appointed by the President, and such other committee chairs as, in his judgment, may be required to carry on the activities of the club.


A. Refreshment Committee: To arrange for refreshments at meetings and other club functions when appropriate.


B. Equipment: Responsible for the operation and maintenance of any equipment and to have equipment ready and available for emergency or demonstration purposes.


C. Field Day Committee:  To organize, direct, plan and coordinate all Field Day activities; to determine frequencies, equipment and operators to be used.


D. Interference Committee: To investigate complaints when notified by the FCC and to make every effort to provide and foster understanding between amateurs and the public; to devise techniques for keeping the number of such complaints to a minimum.


E. Program and Publicity Committee: To arrange for programs for meetings and appropriate advance publicity including news releases, radio spots, etc.




F. Ways And Means Committee: To devise ways and means of keeping the club treasury solvent and planning projects to enhance the financial status of the club treasury.


G. Repeater: To maintain the club's repeater is in working order with FCC rules and regulations and all good engineering practices.


H. Outgoing QSL Cards: To collect and mail QSL cards to the QSL bureau.


I. Sunshine committee:  To notify members of illness, hospitalization, and deaths of club members.


J.      Grievance Committee:  Shall consist of two (2) regular members, one (1) non-officer Board Member, the secretary, and the president. The president shall be the committee chair. It is the responsibility of the committee to address all grievances, and make a recommendation of disposition to the Board of Directors.

a.   The president shall appoint all members of the committee.

b.   A new committee shall be appointed for each separate grievance.

c.   If a grievance is submitted involving the president, the vice president will be the acting committee chair, and assume all responsibilities.

d.   If a grievance is submitted involving the secretary, the committee chair shall appoint someone as acting secretary for the grievance committee.

e.   If a grievance is submitted involving activity on the club repeaters, the club repeater trustee will be appointed to the committee, replacing either a Board Member, or a regular member, unless the club repeater trustee is involved in said activity, then committee will stand as aforementioned.


2.      By-Laws Committee: A by-laws committee will be appointed by the President to be comprised of a chairman and at least two (2) other full members. This committee shall study all proposed amendments to the constitution and shall take appropriate action on such proposals; it shall inform the Board of Directors of any changes in the by-laws which would become necessary if the proposals are adopted; it shall study proposed amendments to the by-laws for conformity with the constitution and other portions of the by-laws and its chairman shall report the results of such studies to the Board of Directors.






1.      All original papers, documents, etc. relating to the formation and operation of the club shall be placed in the custody of the Secretary.






1.      The club may issue a monthly newsletter.


2.      The Editor-In-Chief of the club newsletter shall be selected and appointed by the President subject to the approval of the Board of Directors.







1.      Amateur of the Year Award is presented annually to an outstanding amateur in Southern New Jersey, as determined by a committee of previous recipients whose decision shall be guided by written or verbal recommendations received from the amateur radio community. Nominations for this award shall be submitted to any member of the Amateur of the Year Committee no later than twenty-one (21) days prior to the date of the installation dinner.


2.  After completing ten (10) check-ins to the monthly SCARA HF net, a participation certificate will be issued.





1.                A trustee shall be appointed by the Board of Directors to maintain a club amateur radio license. The call sign of this license shall be K2BR.


2.                A trustee so considered shall be a past or present officer of the club. The trustee's term shall be for the normal license period. The trustee shall hold an Extra Class license to ensure full operational privileges.






The Board of Directors shall keep at all times, adequate liability insurance and equipment insurance for the club.






1.       These by-laws may be amended by a majority of the Board of Directors present and voting except that amendment of Article I, Section 9, or Article IX, shall require a three-fourths majority.


2.                Proposals to amend the by-laws shall be submitted in writing to the Secretary, who shall read them to the Board of Directors. The President shall then refer such proposals to the By-Laws Committee as per Article IV, Section 2.


3.                All previous by-laws are repealed upon the adoption of these by-laws.


4.                 These by-laws are adopted by the Board of Directors at its regular business meeting of October 29, 2009, and are effective immediately.





1.      Any member shall have the right to file a grievance against the club, or any member of the club. All grievances should be involving club business, club members or the club repeaters.

2.      Grievances must be submitted in writing to the Grievance committee through any board member, or officer.

3.      The president will call for a committee hearing within 14 days of a grievance being submitted.

4.      A copy of the grievance will be forwarded to all members of the committee, as well as all parties involved, by the secretary, within 5 days of grievance being submitted, as well as the date of the Grievance committee hearing.

5.      All parties involved will have the right to appear before the committee, or by submitting in writing their response. All written responses must be submitted within 7 days of receiving notice of grievance to the secretary.

6.      The Grievance committee will address all written or personal responses at the committee meeting, and forward their recommendation to the Board of Directors for disposition.

7.      A copy of the grievance, responses, and written recommendation of the committee will be forwarded to all Board Members by the secretary, within 7 days of the committees hearing.

8.      The Board may choose to wait till the next regularly scheduled board meeting, or may call for a special meeting, to dispose of any grievances.

9.      The Board may choose to accept the recommendation of the committee, may come up with an alternative disposition, or no disposition at all.

10.   Grievances may be disposed of as outlined in the following articles and sections of the bylaws and constitution, or any solution the board deems appropriate. They are not limited to the following.

a.      Article IV Section 3 of the Constitution.

b.      Article IV Section 4 of the Constitution

c.      Article IV Section 5 of the Constitution

d.      Article IV Section 6 of the Constitution

e.      Article I Section 9 of the Bylaws

f.       Article II Section 9 of the Bylaws

11.   If a grievance is submitted against a Board Member, that Board Member shall not be permitted to vote on the disposition of submitted grievance.

12.   Board Members or committee members shall not respond directly to any grievances, without proper procedure.

13.   Board Members shall outline this procedure for grievances, not properly submitted, to the person wishing to submit a grievance.

14.   The decision of the Board final.

15.   The secretary shall forward a written copy of final disposition to all parties involved by certified, return receipt requested mail.

16.   A grievance may be withdrawn at any time, in writing, before a final disposition is rendered.

17.   Any grievance so withdrawn may not be resubmitted for reconsideration at any time.


Approved by Board Members July 26, 2018.